We know where students want to go!
Plan your next adventure to your favorite student destination or let our KA expert consultants help you find something fresh and fun. Whichever you choose, you’re in great hands.
That’s our commitment to travel beyond expectations!
Proud member of the Student Youth Travel Association

The possibilities for your next student or performance adventures are endless! Zip line through the stunning Smoky Mountains or meet the famous mouse that resides in Orlando.

Bowl Games, Parades and Events
Your group will score big when you take part in a bowl game, parade, or special performance event. Audiences of thousands will watch as you wow the crowds with spirit and skill! Bands can participate in these exciting venues. Count on Kaleidoscope Adventures to help you choose the event that fits your needs.

Prestigious Stages
Make the world your stage with an exclusive performance at an iconic venue. Perform in the footsteps of the masters who came before you!